Friday, December 18, 2009


If you have been around our family you know we love our daughter more than anything in the world. On more than one occasion we have heard that Avery is "spoiled". Or the infamous, "wait til you have another, you won't be doing this with them". Well, we used to quickly defend Avery and say "the pediatrician said we can't spoil her at this age". But, I would not say she is spoiled but moreover that she is extremely loved. Yes, we probably could let her cry when she gets fussy but she is not even 6 months old and after all she is our first baby. :) I don't like hearing her cry and I love holding her (most of the time). After we were talking about it a couple of nights ago I went upstairs to put her to bed. The new routine is to feed her and put her down in her crib, awake or asleep. She now does not need me to rock, squat, sway, or do anything else to put her down. She will simply play by herself or roll over on her tummy and go to sleep. I know she will do much bigger tasks by herself as she gets older. So, now when I have the opportunity to rock her on my shoulder I don't put her down right away because I know some day I won't even get a hug and a kiss goodnight. I hope we are blessed to be able to spoil many more children in the future with our love. Therefore, we thank everyone who has helped "spoil" Avery...I think she deserves it! Here are some pictures of Avery sitting up.

Yummy avocado
Day 2 sweet potatoes and she thinks she can feed herself
The big girl sitting up

She got up on all won't be long before she is mobile!

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