Tuesday, October 20, 2009

4 month check-up!

Well little Avery is growing!!! Here are her stats...I think her new name is going to be pip-squeek! :)

Height: 24.5 inches (55%)
Weight: 11lb 10 oz (12%)
Head: 15 and 7/8 inches (30%)

She did roll over belly to back for the first time! Decided to show off for the doctor! So, she's doing great!!! :)


Unknown said...

hahah that is what we call Caroline...she is only 17 lbs and Olivia is 20 lbs...both under weight for 1 years old...but atleast they are cute. = )

Aubrey Torrey Photography said...

ya she used to be in the 70% and then 50% and then 25% and now 12%...but she is healthy and happy!!! glad i birthed her when she was at the highest...LOL!