Tuesday, September 18, 2012


well, "busy season" has officially started and believe it or not i have already started taking photos for Christmas cards! avery's first week of school was awesome and she really loves it! she went through the carpool line with no problem. i spent so much time preparing her for someone else getting her out of the car, walking her in by herself, and i was so nervous. i forgot to prepare myself for someone other than me getting her out of the car and walking her in. there was no opportunity to hug and kiss her goodbye.

we had fun taking pictures while sitting in line.
then before you know it she was off. and she never looked back.
insert crying mom here. thankfully i had blake's first playgroup to go to! (excuse the only crappy picture i have of this exciting event)
with school and avery not napping. yes, you read that right. apparently she isn't napping. this makes for a cranky afternoon. thankfully bath time always makes these two happy. it also means early bedtime!
young life has also started and it's been such a blessing getting to know these sweet girls! i can't wait to really get to know them. i think mark's enjoying it too. :)
we've also played with some friends!
and there she is going to school today!

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