Wednesday, September 19, 2012

absence makes the heart grow fonder.

this little big girl of mine. i don't know where her sweetness comes from. although i do have a few guesses where her sassiness comes from. this little girl who i dreamed of as a child. dreaming of the day when i would get married and have kids. dreaming of this fantasy world where i just got to play all day with kids. i spent so much time babysitting growing up. it's safe to say it's a little more work than i imagined but the reward is hundred times greater than i ever could have dreamed. my sweet girl is starting to give up her naps. which is really sad and means i will have even less time to myself. but after playing in her room for an hour today she came back downstairs. i have no idea how, but this video was playing in the background on the computer as i was working. it was a slideshow that i had made of her first 6 weeks of life. so she came and hopped on my lap and we watched it. she was more excited about all of the different outfits she was wearing in the pictures and became extra excited when daddy made an appearance. this little girl who three years ago i couldn't stand the thought of leaving her for 8 hours while i went to work. we didn't figure out a budget or even think about logistics. (one would think accountants would have thought this through a little better.) i would cry everyday thinking about leaving her. thankfully i have the most wonderful husband in the world who didn't even make me ask if i could stay home. i will never forget when we were talking while he was in boston for work. he said, why don't you just stay home, i think it will be better for her. my reaction was along the lines of, don't even tempt me or joke about that. that day my dream that i had thought about half my life came true. it's taken me a couple of years to get to the point where i know it's the best thing to drop her off and for her to go to school. we both love it! but, part of me still gets a little sad everyday when she leaves. of course i'm so thankful for some one on one time with the b man and i enjoy a little "vacation" for a few hours. looking at the pictures i want to just squeeze her and hold her tight. if i'm being honest those first couple of weeks were a blur. between feedings all night long and mark traveling and crying. oh yes, i remember she did some crying. we survived. i'd say we did more than survive. she's turning into quite a  wonderful little girl. these days she cheers on her brother as he stands up and walks. it's no surprise he only walks in her bedroom where he feels comfortable. avery holds her hands out and blake stands up and walks to her. talk about melting your heart. she always encourages him saying "good job buddy. good standing blakey!" (i'll get that on video).

here's the video. i should add the only reason the miley cyrus song (remember her?) is on here is because that's the song she made her debut to. and well, we all know my love for some pop music!

1 comment:

TheDueittFamily said...

So sweet!! This brought tears to my eyes as I am feeling every emotion you had felt. She is such a sweet little girl, I can't wait in 3 years to be writing a post just like this :) thank you for sharing!