Thursday, June 2, 2011

my sweet avery. she is about to be the oldest child. in 10 short weeks she will no longer be the "baby" in the family. but, she will always be my baby. she is so sweet natured. she still sleeps in her sleep sack and likes to be rocked before naps. she tries to be funny and continues to do something when we laugh. she grabs my hand for no reason just because she wants to hold it. she tries to be so helpful and hand me one article of clothing at a time while i put in the washer. if you ask her what color something is she will most likely say yellow. she asks for the why song everytime we get in the car. when asked how old she is going to be she says happy. when i try to close my eyes she yells "do bah dayo". (evidenced by pictures number three) i hope she will always know how much we love her. i hope she will share her love with her brother and protect him at the park. i hope she will always be there for him and be a good role model.

i had to ride in the backseat with her so she wouldn't fall asleep. :)

May 2011_3
May 2011_2
May 2011_4
May 2011_1

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