Monday, February 7, 2011

when did preschool become so hard to get into to. seriously! i signed up about a month ago and we will find out tomorrow. meanwhile, i filled out another application at another school today and we'll find out in a couple of weeks. i called another place that opened registration today and by 5:30am they were full so we're on the waitlist. ummm, where are your children while you are camping out at the preschool? i just wish you could sign up and they would say you're in. i just hope she gets in...somewhere! i honestly wouldn't mind having her at home another year because when you think about it, it's only 2 days a week for a couple of hours. include drive time and nap time and i will maybe have 2.5 hours to do something. but that's 2.5 hours i am able to spend with the new baby. for avery though, it's probably 3 hours of playtime and interaction that i know she will love. i wish they could see how much she loves being with other children. not to mention, she's the cutest kid ever so why wouldn't you want her! :) well, i guess i'll keep you updated on the preschool search! wish us luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wishing you luck, it will all work out I am sure!
Yes, she is the cutest kid ever! :)