Thursday, October 28, 2010


today i got to experience avery's temper tantrum in public. oh my goodness talk about embarrassing. at home, i ignore that kind of behavior. i let her roll around and when she's calm she gets up. but, in public? what do you do? we were at the library and she was tired. she took a phone away from her friend and i told her she needed to give it back and that was it. down she goes, to the ground, on her back screaming! it was about time to go so there were not a ton of people there. i look up and mom's are staring at me. they were holding babies and haven't entered into this phase yet so a word you all with babies, don't judge! but, i picked her and calmed and we left.

maybe it's just me but after avery i found myself worrying about the dumbest things, things i have no control over. when i go to sleep i usually think about all the things i didn't do and all the things that need to be done. for example, this weekend mimi and nana are coming up to visit. we are having friends over on sunday for halloween. and for some reason i feel the need to have everything so clean and perfect! but, at the end of the day does it really matter that the laundry room floor is clean? that's great, it's clean but at what cost. if it meant that avery had to play with herself or watch tv so i could clean out the fridge, is it really worth it? no one else is even going to notice. so tomorrow morning i'm going to clean but after naptime it's going to be all about avery.

so here is my promise to you avery...

i'm going to turn off the computer, leave the dishes in the sink, and turn the music up in the playroom. i'll swing you around and dance. we will listen to barnyard dance until you say stop. i'm going to let you walk me around the house holding hands for as long as you want. i'm going to let you pull out every single q tip you can find. i will let you take a bath during the day for as long you want. i'm going to rock you to sleep and hold you a little tighter. i will be grateful that God has given me you!

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