Monday, October 11, 2010

catching up

just because i've been taking pictures of other kids doesn't mean i haven't been taking pictures of avery :)
let's start with avery's love for big sonic drinks. **sigh** bad mommy, i know. she picked it up and was carrying it around. she was drinking a little but i thought, hey it's caffeine free so it's not all that bad. bad mommy. now when she see's a cup she wants it. so now everywhere i go i order a small water. luckily she doesn't care what's in the cup :) and no, i didn't pose her with the cup.
avery october1

avery october

now, for a little saturday morning love. she's so happy when she's outside.

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couldn't even tell you what was going on here ;)

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and in between the new found temper tantrums and outbursts there is still a sweet little girl. to put her to bed i just turn off the lights and she puts her head down on my shoulder. it's probably one of my most favorite times of the day. she puts her left arm all the way around my neck. tonight she lifted her head and her lips found my lips and she gave me a kiss. then she put her head down and lifted it again to give me another kiss. after watching her throw herself on the ground and roll over on the floor while trying to cook dinner tonight it was a nice reminder that she's a sweet little girl. i wish i could take credit for that. ;)

this outfit came from aunt jerry when she was born. i've been holding on to it and it's finally the perfect weather to wear it, and it fits! i can't get enough of it!

after the photo shoot the kids had a play session. here's my little "assistant" :)

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