Monday, May 9, 2011

happy easter!!! i know, i'm a little behind but we had a great Easter! :) we've been busy around here over the last couple of weeks! i got to go away for a weekend with my friend to austin and see old friends. it was so nice to eat and shop kid free. we took our time in the stores and ate at great restaurants. i think we're going to make it an annual thing! avery got into preschool 2 days a week so i'm pretty excited about that! she'll go on tuesday and thursday from 9 to 2:30pm. i had to fill out the 5 page form about avery and then the carpool sheet. i can't believe she's old enough to be carpooling. it just sounds like something a big kid does! then, i had to write in that she was going to be having a little brother in august so they would be aware of the changes going on at home. again, i had to pause that i will have TWO kids!

on a completely different topic, we went out for mother's day yesterday! avery was, well, a toddler. within 5 minutes she was standing on her highchair with her dress at her waist. it was actually funny at that point. you can imagine how the rest of the meal went! she didn't nap and was just a total toddler! you would think after a day like yesterday i should be frustrated and over it. i laid in bed last night and was so excited thinking about avery with her little brother. i clearly have a screw lose or i was just made differently. i can say with certainty this was not the same feeling mark was having! i just know i'm doing what i am suppose to be doing and it sounds so crazy to say. don't get me wrong, i have my moments. and yes, that's plural but the thought of driving avery to preschool with little blake in backseat and trying to juggle them both really excites me. i know it's going to be a hard adjustment for everyone. i probably don't even realize how hard it's going to be. i'm so prepared for avery to turn into this little monster and for her to act out and i'm okay with that. her world is about to turn upside down and i need to remember that.

alright, pictures from easter!

Easter 2011_2

Easter 2011_1
the bribe!

Easter 2011_6

Easter 2011_5

Easter 2011_4
droopy drawers and all her eggs!

Easter 2011_3

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