Thursday, September 30, 2010

today in public avery was pulling on my shirt. i walked around with my bra showing for who knows how long. awesome.

the funny part about my day is i spend all day trying to get things done and play with avery. by the end of the day i am ready for her bedtime. so at 8:30 she's down for the night. you would think i would run and change my clothes and do nothing. instead i find myself looking at pictures of her. it's rare that i go a night without looking at that sweet little face before i go to bed. it's usually a reminder of what a fun day we had or if it wasn't a good day i can see her cute face and no that tomorrow is another day, even if there is a chance it will be worse. she's just so sweet and such a blessing. she has so much love to give for being so little. she just hugs random people for no reason. she pats people and blows kisses to strangers. she waves hello to EVERYONE when we go to the store. you can tell that when strangers see her it really makes them happy. this sweet old lady probably spent a couple of minutes just talking to her today and playing with her toes and when avery smiled at her you could tell she felt special. i hope she continues to brighten peoples days forever because she truly has an amazing gift!

i almost forgot, avery's 7th tooth cut through. well, it probably cut through a day or two ago but i just noticed :)

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1 comment:

Amanda Host said...

Pretty sure I've walked around with spitup down my back. And the other day I walked into the bathroom o find I had put my t-shirt on backwards!